Artificial Intelligence Law: Where Do We Stand Now?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction. It's revolutionizing our world, weaving itself into the fabric of healthcare, finance, and even transportation. As AI continues its rise, legal frameworks are struggling to keep pace. Here at the Joseph Saveri Law Firm, LLP, we're committed to staying ahead of the curve. In this article, we look into the current state of AI law and highlight some critical areas where legal developments are poised to make a significant impact.

The Patchwork of AI Regulation

Currently, there's no single, comprehensive set of federal laws governing AI in the United States. Instead, regulations are emerging piecemeal from various agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and others, depending on the specific application of AI technology.

This patchwork approach can create uncertainty for businesses developing and deploying AI, as well as create confusion among creators and consumers.

Key Areas of Focus in AI Law

Several key areas are receiving particular attention in AI law:

  • Bias and Fairness: AI systems can perpetuate or even amplify societal biases if not properly designed and monitored. Laws and regulations are being developed to ensure fairness and prevent discriminatory outcomes based on race, gender, or other factors.
  • Transparency and Explainability: Many AI systems are complex "black boxes" where it's difficult to understand how they make decisions and reach conclusions. The need for transparency and explainability is crucial, particularly in areas like high-stakes decision-making.
  • Privacy and Security: AI systems often rely on vast amounts of data, raising concerns about privacy and security. Laws are being drafted to address data collection practices, ownership, and potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Liability: As AI becomes more sophisticated and autonomous, questions arise about who is liable for its actions. Is it the developer, the user, or the AI itself? 
  • Intellectual Property: Since AI technology is trained with massive data sets, artists and authors’ works may be used without their permission. For those who take pride in their work and share it online, it can quickly become a source of exploitation. This is the area of law our firm is most concerned with. 

The Future of AI Law

The field of AI law is constantly evolving as technology advances. We understand AI is here to stay, however, we also understand that there is a great need for further regulation. Our firm has filed multiple high-profile cases against companies using and propagating AI technology. 

We currently have four generative AI cases in progress with more on the way. Learn more about them below:

Our firm stands ready to fight on behalf of creators to protect their work and livelihood. If you have any concerns regarding yourself, your peers, or those close to you, we encourage you to contact us today.